Bully pulpit

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Back in June I was looking over a very large and magical vernal pond in the Oaklands Town Forest, NH. I decided to photograph one of the small islands. As I did, I eventually spied this resident - a medium-sized bullfrog - looking all chill. The pond itself was really large for this kind of water body and had lots of islands and peninsulas. It was really fabulous and I could have stayed there all day just taking it in.

Specific Feedback

It’s an odd slice of the landscape, I know, but is it too odd or does it work?

Technical Details



Lr for most, if not all, processing. Massaging the tonalities to something reasonable, a crop, texture & sharpening. Probably ran it through either Topaz or used the denoise AI function in Lr. Photoshop for some distraction removal.

This is a gorgeous little scene, Kris. The greens look just a little off to my eye, but they’re close enough that it could just be me. While it’s a very busy photograph, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Busy? Yes, but that is where this guy lives. The green looks fine to me. I especially like the umbrella; just needs a few dew drops.

Greens are good! So is the scene – the little frog makes it a storybook scene and totally cool! And then his umbrella – a Mayapple? – is the icing on the cake.

Kristien, I especially like the reflection of this fellow. For me it is that reflection that adds sprinkles on the @Diane_Miller 's frosting on the cake. :slight_smile:

Thanks @Dennis_Plank, @Jim_Gavin, @Diane_Miller & @Barbara_Djordjevic - glad you liked my little frogscape. Vernal pools are usually pretty still and protected so the reflections were amazing. I think the “umbrella” is a tiny swamp oak or similar. Hard to tell at this stage, but the moss is sphagnum and the little leaves are Canada mayflower.