Sony A77II, watercolor mode
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 400, 1/250 @ f4
This is from my favorite rose bush in our garden. I’ve made many images over the years and it keeps coming back strong no matter the weather. Added a bit of oil paint just for fun. All comments welcome. >=))>
A beautiful rose, Bill. Love the variation of colors in it. You caught it in a beautiful condition. I love that there is a bud in the LRC, signifying another is on the way. The oil paint is a nice addition.
I like the slightly sombre hues and tones very much, Bill. I don’t know whether the soft focus areas are the result of the oil paint technique but they work beutifully to bring out the centre petals.
While I am a fan of oil paint images, and this one is very nice, I would like to see it without that processing. Looks like it could be a real beauty.