What technical feedback would you like if any? Open to all feedback
What artistic feedback would you like if any? Open to all feedback
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn) Single shot, Sony A7R2/Metabones Adaptor/Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 lens … 2 sec @ f/22, 33mm, ISO 100…tripoded w/ 2 second delay
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Doug. Welcome to NPN. You certainly entered this group with a bang. This is an amazing shot. Great composition with wonderful colors. I love the warm light on the foreground grass and rocks. I think there is very little to be critical about with this image. My only comment would be that if possible I would have included a little more of the rock on the bottom left so that it doesn’t cross the margin of the picture. That however is a very small issue in an overall incredible image. Great job.
Doug, welcome to the NPN community! This is a beautiful image and I cannot find much to critique. The one area that grabs my eye is the pinkish color clouds near the LRC of the image. They seem a bit strong on my screen. This may be your intention or not, but I might try to tone them down a touch.
That is a minor nit though and this is really a wonderful first post! I like forward to seeing more of your work and participation on NPN.
Welcome to NPN, Doug! This a great first post! I like how you have arranged the layers in the composition which add interest from the foreground to the background. The alternating layers of light and shadow further enhance the depth of the image. For my tastes the contrast is a bit too much as it just feels a bit to punchy, but otherwise this is nicely done!
Doug: Welcome to NPN and thanks for a terrific first post. This is a fabulous scene and a marvelous capture. The pink fog that Alan mentioned does catch my eye a tiny bit and I could also see opening up the shadows a touch. If you are planning on printing this there are also some dust bunnies in the URC and one along the right edge about 1/4 of the way down. Great to have you aboard and looking forward to more. >=))>
First impression - like “Being on top of the world!” Great view and capture.
Some great comments as well so far. For me, I like the lavendar? colored fog hugging the rock in the LR (lower right) I like that it echoes some of the color of the sunset/sunburst. Of course I don’t know what it was like in person, but it looks great to me and makes for a unique element.
Since the sun is still present, I could see raising the luminosity or highlights in the grass to bring that area up a little bit. Of course too much wouldn’t look right, but I’m enjoying the grasses and the last light of the sun hitting them.
Only other suggestion is as Bill mentioned, the dust bunnies. My own process is that the very first thing I do when opening an image is to zoom in to at least 50% (100% is better, more time consuming) and check for dust bunnies and also edge patrol, cloning any minor things that may be eye magnets. Just a thought.
Beautiful image. We look forward to more and you participation!
Welcome to NPN. This is a terrific first shot, certainly better than mine, and I’m looking forward to more from you. I can’t think of a single way to improve this. The warm sunlight on the fog below is a really nice feature and I almost wish there was more of it as it’s more of a by-the-way feature with the central grass getting the initial attention. I would personally use a white frame but then I’ve never used anything but white. Wonderful image that I could see being in an art gallery.
A couple of really small tweaks done very sloppily : 1) slightly tone down the rock on the left 2) slightly raise the sunlight on the blades of grass. I feel more confident about the rock modification than the grass.
Welcome. I agree, that’s a splendid first post!! I love the composition, depth, and mood you grabbed. It must have been something to be there and experience. My vote would be to drop the saturation a bit.
Thanks a lot, John. I am very glad to a part of NPN now…and have Sean Bagshaw to thank for letting me know about the group. Thanks for your inspiring comments.
Thank you Alan. I have, for a while now, been eager to be a part of a group like this, where honest feedback can be sought after. Thanks for the encouragement. I well understand your point about the pink fog in the LRC. I didn’t deliberately work on that fog…but I did use the split toning to move the highlights towards magenta slightly.
Hello to All that commented, and thank you! I just received a note to group-reply instead of answer each one. Makes perfect sense. All of the comments I received were valuable and right-on. I’m a little embarrassed that I didn’t check better for dust bunnies! I sometimes magnify…but this time I didn’t. That’s one of the many reasons I am glad to be a part of this group…ie trained eyes commenting in a helpful way. Thanks everybody!