Here is one more reflection, this one is from the King´s Park in Malmö, my hometown. The image is from a walk in the park 3 weeks ago. Normally, I ike the inclusion of very visible tree trunks, but this one is the completely opposite.
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Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
f/1.8, 1/1000, ISO 200, Olympus lens 75 mm (150 mm equiv.), Olympus travel camera PEN E-P7
Ola, only one suggestion to this wonderful image: Rotate it 180 degrees. I think I prefer that lighter yellow curve on the right to curve upwards (rather than downwards as presented). This is super gorgeous.
This is a somewhat different type of autumn reflection image, that has some nice subtle elements to it. I like the more restrained use of contrast and color saturation, it allows the viewer to concentrate more on details of the shapes and textures here. I also like the composition, and how everything else seems to be swirling around the bright yellow section in the URC. Well done, Ola