An Opening

Hiking in the coastal mountains in fall provides many photographic opportunities. The weather changes every five minutes!

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback or general discussion is welcome.

I chose a 5:7 aspect ratio for this image which is unsual for me. I am consider a crop to 4:5

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No


Nice image. Weather change every 5 minutes…we don’t get that here in Florida. Like for instance, it only rained twice this summer, once for 45 days, and once for 21 days. :slight_smile:

Beautiful image!

The elements add beautifully to the sense of space…only exception I can think of is the very top of the clouds…what do you think? Is that why you were considering making it smaller?

Very lovely image. I wouldn’t crop any more off of the sides or bottom, but I do think a square crop by taking off the top would work.

Wow, how beautiful! I wouldn’t crop any off the top. I love the sense this gives of rising up out of the earth to the heavens.

What a great image! I like a lot the composition and that you have included a lot of the clouds. That is an important part of the image. But, at the same time the clouds draw my eyes away a little from the rest of the great scene. Could it be an idea to darken a tad the upper part of the clouds?

@Ola_Jovall @Bonnie_Lampley @Tony_Siciliano @ariella Thank you for your inputs. I think the crop from the top and/or darkening the top are good options. I’ll see experimenting!

@Chris_Calohan Summer is very similar to that in British Columbia but when fall hits the rain and then snow come in abundance.

I’m try to stop laughing because of @Chris_Calohan s comment. Very funny indeed.
You’ve got a very dramatic and contrasty image here Nathan and I do like the way the clouds play in this scene but I also think you could easily do a 4x5 and eliminate a bunch of the negative space up top as it does pull the eye away from the core of the scene. I think you could also darken the sky and/or make the foreground a little bit less contrasted to blend the two together a little bit better but you have such mood here. this will require some experimenting for sure. Lots of ways you could go with this but you have the making of a really compelling image however you chose to crop it.