Anna's hummingbird on a nice day.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


got a pretty good shot of this hummingbird. It was fairly close. Lighting on the Perch was tough and it was difficult to to make it blend in.

Specific Feedback

anything that helps

Technical Details

ISO 1250, 500 mm, F7 .1, 2000th, D500

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
1 Like

Beautiful job on the Anna’s, David. I see what you mean about the perch. Could you post a jpeg of it before you processed the perch-it might be instructive to see what you had to work with to see if someone can come up with a different approach. Either that , or if you have the RAW file available, you could post it in the Processing challenge.

This looks excellent to me David. Nice job on the perch if it wasn’t cooperative. Clean overall image, great detail and color in the hummer.


I don’t have a JPEG I can send you, but I will say that much of the perch was way too bright and shadow in the background. Lot of it was out of focus.
I did what I could with what was available…

David - a fine shot! Nice detail, bright eye, great pose, and the perch and BG look fine.
There is a small selection aberration on the edge of the head above the eye that could be cleaned up.
Nice catch!

You caught a very nice pose with a bit of wind-ruffled feathers for interest. And very nice sharpness on the tiny feathers.

I often have perches that are too bright. I’ve found that Nik Viveza can mask them very nicely and let me darken the area, with a “no change” mask on the nearby BG to hold it where it was. But it looks like you also did other work on the BG – was it really that bad? Would a partial change have worked better overall?

Outstanding detail, David. Nice, complementary background. Wouldn’t worry too much about the perch, the eye goes right to the bird.

Thanks to everyone for looking at this and providing feedback.

David, I realize, in looking at this closer, that the little whitish area on the head that I thought was an aberration, is actually a whitish feather. Sorry!
Great image!

Thanks for looking again

Wonderful catch, David. I like the head turn and excellent soft background. Terrific image.

There were several male Anna’s at the local wetlands over the spring and summer. I named them Andy 1, Andy 2, and Andy 3…can’t call the males Anna can you?

Great image.

Hi David, what a striking hummer - well caught. The detail and color on the head is outstanding and holds my attention.