This was taken under cloudy skies this morning. Taken from the same position as which the previous Killdeer picture was posted. This is a very large crop, 4 1/2% of a 50 megapixel image. Processed in DxO photo lab 4.2 and Topaz De noise. Some cloning to remove distractions.
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ISO 800, 400+1.4 X, F5 .6, 1600th, handheld, 4 .5 % of full frame.
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Wow! Very beautiful! I like the perspective. Is the killdeer on a nest? I usually have only seen them standing or running around!
You really nailed the focus to get that image quality at a crop of that magnitude, David. I prefer the head turn in this one to the last, though the other is also excellent. Just a different mood.
Yes, it is on the nest in my driveway.
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Oh wow! How lucky are you! The other day I got to redirect a baby killdeer off a road and back to its frantic parents! I was so scared for the little one because he couldn’t figure out how to get up onto the curb. So I just herded him slowly to a break in the curb by walking behind and beside him with me blocking him from traffic by me walking in the road. I was so relieved none of them got hit! The babies are so cute. I hope you’ll post their photos!
Hi David
This is a much nicer photograph of the Killdeer’s nesting. It proves a lovely look at the Killdeer’s protection of their nest. Very nice work.