Baltimore Oriole

When the jelly feeder is full of grape jam, orioles of every plumage type shows up quickly. I have been able to capture some interesting poses with the Z9 with animal eye detection. I’m still tweaking the settings and am finding new things every time that I start using it.

Specific Feedback Requested

How do you like the comp? Please let me know if I reduced the yellows down too much, Thank you.

Technical Details

Z9 600mm f4 (f8, 1/2000 sec at ISO 1250) Topaz DeNoise AI, Levels, Adobe Camera Raw to tame down highlights, Saturation reduction on BG, Crop for comp.

Terrific detail, color, and comp. Yellows are fine but on my monitor, greens are still a little too saturated. I am having this problem also and have started desaturating the greens as part of my workflow when called for.

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A great pose and perch, Jim. The yellows look ok to me, but I have almost no experience with this species. The greens look ok to me as well. This time of year they should be pretty vibrant in Michigan.

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Great job with that Z9 Jim. The Oriole does seem to be engaged , which adds.

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