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Our grape jelly feeders have been full of Baltimore orioles and I counted 6 orioles sharing 2 feeders yesterday. Most are first of year birds and lack the more brilliant coloration of breeding adults. I caught this one in the process of taking off to dive into one of the feeders.
Technical Details
Z9 600mm f4 (1/5000 sec at f8.0, ISO 3200) Topaz DeNoise AI, Levels, Shadows and Highlights, Curve adjustment for contrast, Desaturation of BG, Crop for comp, and Rubber stamp tool to remove part of feeder that was in frame.
What’s not to like, here? Great detail in the bird, interesting behavior, a nice background, and a decent perch. I’ve never used the rubber stamp tool; I’ll need to look into its’ function. Well done.
Oh man what a catch! Light as air and so amazing in shape and flight feather dynamics. Just the tippy bits of claws still on the branch - what a touch. Totally the art of nature with this one. Great positioning on your part in terms of where you put the camera for this display. That is a bird on a mission!
How did I miss this one earlier?? I’m so glad it got an EP because I might not have seen it otherwise, and because it so deserves it!! Gorgeous light, pose, detail… everything!!