
I posted a lot of shots this year but a fair amount of them were taken out of archives. The pandemic stifled our travel plans so I was limited to shooting locally. Of course I’m blessed with a master gardener of my very own so I never lack for subjects. But this is still one of my favorite shots of the year taken at our local Lowe’s while Chrissy and I were snooping around in the garden section. I didn’t have a “competent” camera but at least my phone was handy and I was pleasantly surprised by the result. All comments welcome. >=))>

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
I Phone 8 @ 3.99mm
ISO 50, 1/120 @ f1.8


Excellent colors and lines makes this one works quite well. Well done.

The colors on this are outstanding. The diagonal lines and the main rib and new leaf are the icing on the cake. Well done…Jim

Goes to show the best camera is the one in hand! I love the lines, colors, and simplicity of this image!

Love the intense colors and the detail in the lines, Bill. Amazing you saw this at Lowe’s and got this shot. Just goes to remind me . . . photographic opportunities are everywhere! Very nicely seen and captured!

This is really nice, Bill. Great lines and the little spike with the curly tip is the icing on the cake.

Bill, the mix of colors and shapes make this outstanding. I do remember it. It also emphasizes my opening statement when I lead a workshop, “It’s not the equipment that make a picture, it’s the operator.”

Terrific shot. The colors are wonderful and coupled with the shapes and texture, it is a winner.

Good eye to see the possibilities and a great job of taking advantage of the opportunity! Nicely composed, great colors and a good composition. Today’s cell phones actually work quite well for macro photos!