Barred Owl

Another photo from 2016. Spotted this guy/gal while driving through a NWR outside Memphis. Full frame, set white and black points, reduced noise on the background, and sharpened the owl a tiny bit.

500mm, probably from a beanbag
ISO 1000

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Good for you. A very nice catch to see the owl while driving. It looks like it must have been fairly low in the tree. Nicely exposed and a nice head on pose. I might prefer the owl moved slightly to our right in the frame. I really like the nice habitat and full view of owl.

Well processed image with excellent color, detail, perch, and background. I also prefer the owl to be a little less centered and I find the X created by the dark limbs to be a little bit of an eye magnet but I don’t think you could have done anything about that. It appears that you did darken the background somewhat which really helps. A wonderful find. I have some owls in my area but I would never catch them out in the open like that.

Thanks, @David_Schoen and @David_Leroy. Great points. I didn’t darken the background. It was a thick canopy and pretty early in the morning. This also wasn’t backlit. I used a Darks 3 mask to dodge the limbs in the BG and cropped a bit to move the bird off-center.

Very nice look at the owl. Good job on the re-post.

The repost looks great Lyle, the composition is so much better. Great eye contact and very nice setting.