Saturday night I took a sunset bike ride to check out the little area with ‘teasel’ plants. And there were bees almost on every one settling down to sleep for the night. So the next morning I went there to see if they were still there and they were! Some were still waking up and this one was on the move and wanting someone else’s flower for breakfast!
Specific Feedback Requested
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400
ISO 800
Very nice, Vanessa. I like the side lighting on the flower and how it hits the bee. It is a bit hot in some areas, but it was challenging to get the lighter areas of the bee from blowing out, and still show up the black areas that weren’t getting the sun. I think you are doing a great job at capturing in flight bees. You might could crop out some of the empty space to the right and still leave room in the image for the bee to “move”. I love that nice oof BG too.
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Thanks @Shirley_Freeman! I love trying to get action shots of any animal! But bees seem to be the majority of what I’m finding right now! I am working on swallows. And have posted one of those so far. But I keep trying for a better one of them! They’re pretty hard! I’ll crop it more. I always love cropping, it makes things closer!
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You found a nice subject, but for me, compared to your previous thistle, this one suffers from the harsh light. The cropped version is much more pleasing for its balance. In the initial version the bee is placed in the center with a lot of visual weight on the left and nothing of interest on the right. The placement suggests that the center focus point dictated the composition. It might have, but that can be changed by cropping. It can also be changed using focus-and-recompose techniques. The simplest is a half-press of the shutter to focus and a quick sideways motion of the camera before the shutter is pressed fully.