Blowin' in the wind

Well, yeah a little bit of wind but really not that much. A field of sunflowers just seemed like a good place to try a slightly longer exposure.

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

OM-1, 40-150 f/2.8 with 2.0x converter
1/2 second, f/18, ISO 200


Works for me Keith. It conveys motion in a pleasing way. =)

Lovely field of sunflowers, Keith. The movement seems perfect to me. I like that the sunflowers are still recognizable but have plenty of energy in the motion you’ve gotten. Nicely done.

Welcome aboard Keith, I love this! As commented, this has great energy and I think youv’e caught just the exact right motion/blur for this to come across so beautifully. It’s right there just past the cusp of the “kicked the tripod” blur - and hits the nail on the head with motion you’ve captured.

The colors of course are beautiful as well. The main flower works beautifully as the place for the eye to rest in the maze of color and motion. The only suggestion I have might be to mitigate that “dead head” flower just off center near the top. It’s not distracting per se, but maybe just a little competition for main flower. But that’s a pretty minor nitpick.

Love the capture, procesing and presentation of this colorful and energetic image.


Are you referring to the dead head flower above the main sunflower? Now that you mentioned that, I can’t unsee it…. Thank you for the feedback.

Hey Keith, actually, not the dark on directly above the main flower, but the partially spent flower just to the right of the center line; missing pedals on top Sorry, the “dead head” i s the term my wife uses with the Roses… and sorry to have put a blemish on this wonderful photograph.

And actually, the abstract nature itself with the motion blur, I think is enough to reduce any of the minor distractions. And I do mean minor - call it nitpicking.

Keith, I really like this bright, happy image. The yellows and greens go very well together and I like the ICM. I have many flower gardens and there’s no way to keep up with the dead heading (pulling off the top of the flower heads that have no petals left or are starting to dry out). Dead heading is supposed to encourage the plant to grow more buds. Anyway, the dark brown spots just look like a real garden to me :smile: Nice job!!

Very pleasing!! Just the right amount of blur, which is hard to do. The imperfect flower heads work here for me, as the motion conveys a sort of natural chaos.