Bob White

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Another typical Arizona bird, this time in Tucson.

Specific Feedback

suggestions and comments always welcome

Technical Details

Sony A1
200-600 @340
Software: Adobe Photoshop 26.1 (Windows) + DxO|Pure Raw 4
Exposure Time: 1/500 sec
F Number: f/10
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 1000
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Thanks for sharing; I don’t think I’ve ever seen one posted on NPN before. A beautiful bird, well photographed with excellent detail and a nice complementary background.

Good one, Sandy. I like the bokeh.

I’m not sure but I think it’s a scaled quail, aka blue quail. We don’t have them around Phoenix. They’re really a Chihuahua Desert species found in southeast Arizona and New Mexico.

Looks like a Northern bobwhite to me. This is a beautiful shot of one, Sandy. While you’re in Tucson, you might wander down to the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge. They have a subspecies of Bobwhite down there called the Masked Bobwhite From their website: “,conserving the endangered masked bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus ridgwayi)”. Unfortunately, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll see one in the wild but you might be able to get a shot at the breeding facility. The history of the place is also interesting.

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@Dennis_Plank Thanks for the tip! If theyare open tomorrow - Sunday- we’ll head over tthere. It’s our last day here, then we will head to Madeira Canyon for more birds, hiking, and exploring. Thanks also for the kind comment.

Hi Sandy, I really like the color tones in this image with the foreground and background being complimentary to the bird. Nice walking pose. We used to hear bobwhite quail here in the southeast when I was a kid. Not any more though unfortunately.