Anything you can think of that would improve the shot.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
I cropped in some because part of the background was distracting. Everything look okay now? See any distractions? Any improvements you see.
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 100 mm L lens, KX-800 twin flash with DIY diffuser. Settings manual, f19, 1/125, ISO 400. Edited in LR, Topaz AI Clear and NIK Collection.
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Shirley, I think everyone would agree that your DF closeups are always excellent. It’s technically well done, the exposure and the focus on those amazing eyes, all pure perfection. Positively no nits from me.
Another terrific “the eyes have it” look at a dragonfly, Shirley. I love it when the viewer can count the facets in the eyes (if you had enough time…). The details in the eyes and face are outstanding. The crop looks great.
Thank you, Mark. I felt like this one was a pretty good shot, but I trust all of you here at NPN to help by bringing out anything that might improve the shot. This was the closest one has let me get so far I think. I just talk to them and tell them that they have pretty eyes. Seems to work, sometimes.
Shirley, I do now agree that I need not tell you anything about dragonflies. Getting the complete curve of the eyes in focus and sharp is no easy. Beautifully executed. Very well Done
Balan Vinod
Hi Shirley,
this is great - the critical focus on the eyes is wonderful - love seeing those compound eyes. And I really like the color tones in the image. Very well done!