The only thrasher species east of Texas, and closely related to the Northern Mockingbird and Catbird, the Brown Thrasher is a year-round resident in Oklahoma. Though he doesn’t often receive credit, his song repertoire often puts the Mockingbird’s song list to shame. One individual was recorded and credited with over 1,100 different songs. “Much of the [acclaim] which has fallen to the Mockingbird is really due to the unperceived efforts of the Brown Thrasher. It is the opinion of many ornithologists that the song… is richer, fuller, and definitely more melodious than that of polyglottis” (the Northern Mockingbird).
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Canon 60D, Canon 70-300mm IS USM zoom, f/5.6, 1/350 sec., ISO 500, Av Mode, Hand Held. Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure, color, sharpness, and NR. Also a light application of Topaz De-noise.
Pleasing environmental view with nice pose and detail. I think your color balance or white balance is a little off as I see a strong blue cast on the foreground and tree.
What a pretty bird and surroundings! You captured it well! I liked your informative writing about the bird as well, like a bird field guide! The photo and description!
@David_Schoen Thanks, David. I doubt my white balance is too far off. My setting was at Kelvin 8600 for all that white snow. But since I metered on all that white snow, could the blue you’re seeing be the snow that is underexposed in the shade?
@Vanessa_Hill Thanks, Vanessa. I usually like to include a little info about the wildlife I photograph. I know people can look it up themselves, but it helps remind me of the interesting behavior of the wildlife.
@Allen_Brooks Thanks, Allen. I appreciate your comments.
I really like the light on the Thrasher, Terry. You also got a nice low point of view. I’d kind of like the post or whatever on the right to be gone, but it’s not a deal breaker. I agree about Thrasher songs. I remember the first time I heard a Sage Thrasher singing and it went on and on and on… and every note was glorious.
Thanks, Dennis. That post is actually an old stump I just set there, hoping to chisel a “bowl” in the top of it in which to place bird seed. That way, they would jump up on it and give me a natural perch to shoot without being able to see the seed. But, the weather has temporarily stopped my outdoor work. Anyway, I kept hoping the Thrasher would jump up on it, but he never did.
Thrashers are rarely out in the open and am glad that you snagged this guy. Shadows are cooler in temperature than brightly lit areas and the camera tends to emphasize the blues in the shadows. You can use Hue and Saturation (Photoshop) as an adjustment layer or by itself and select for the blues and cyans with the dropper and reduce the saturation of those 2 colors. Other than that looks good and you did well with this difficult lighting…Jim