Burned Out

Looking back, I don’t know how I saw this in the first place…a faint outline of a person. This kind of reminds me of a cave drawing. I love the colors: rust on some old marine equipment in a harbor junkyard.

Mark: WELL SEEN!!! This is wonderful. I love the color palette especially. Great choice for the challenge. >=))>

I can’t say that I am seeing the person in there, but I sure do like the abstract patterns, textures and rich colors. Looks really good.

Mark, your person is definitely “truckin along”. The colors are great as well, fitting a 60s/70s theme perfectly.

Harley…it is not super plain to see, for sure. To the left of the bright blue splotch on the right, on the same level, there is a circle for the head. It is about on the left vertical third line. Below the head an outstretched arm to the left and a torso with faint legs. It’s tough t see.
Thanks for hurting your eyes and brain trying to see it!

Good catch Mark. The colors sort of look like it could be on a cave wall somewhere. Fun photo.

Wow! This is just very cool. I don’t know how you saw this either, but I’m glad you did. It does remind me of cave art.

Mark, this is a really neat photo, and perfect for the WC. It does remind me of cave art. The rich colors of the rust is a bonus for sure.

Cave art and 70’s “Keep on Truckin’”. I love our imaginations that get turned on with abstractions.
Thank you for everyone’s kind comments.

I’m not sure I see a humanoid, but maybe I’m not imaginative enough. I do like the colors and textures of the rocks. I almost looks like it could be rusted metal.

A lively action capture, Mark! I think “Keep on Trucking” would be a great title. Excellent choice for the challenge. This is a fun challenge because it tickles everyone’s imagination :slight_smile: