Cactus Wren


I went out this morning looking for a few more nice subjects. We had a little snow last night and I was hoping for more snow on the cactus but that didn’t happen. It melted off very early. I found this lovely little cactus wren on a nice perch. The background almost looks like a sky background with clouds, but it is the Sandia Mountains with snow. They are about 3 miles in the background from this location.

Specific Feedback Requested:

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Is this a composite? No

Olympus EM1-X
300mm f/4 with 1.4x TC
1/800, f/8, ISO 640
Cropped from a horizontal

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That is tremendous. Great texture throughout and the background is the perfect complimentary color. Do the wrens always look like they just got out of the shower? lol

Gorgeous capture here, Keith… :+1:

Just gorgeous, Keith.

Excellent, Keith. I prefer this to your last Cactus Wren, because the perch isn’t chopped off here. A great singing pose and the perch is very good.

Superb crispness and color. BG works well.

This is super. The colors are gorgeous, the textures are perfect, and the composition is lovely.

Incredible detail. And a great composition. Glad you clarified about the background-thought it was the sky.

Keith, I echo all of the other comments. This is an outstanding photo in every respect. Very nicely seen, captured and executed.

WOW! What a perfect perch for this bird, both in color and texture!! Fantastic detail and the BG is wonderful!

Hi Keith
This photograph, does say something about sticking the landing. ouch! Like all the other comments, great work.
How is the EM1-X working out with Olympus getting out of cameras?

Well, the EM-1X works just as well today as it did the day I bought it. On second thought, even better because new firmware was released after the Olympus sale that added bird tracking in the AF system. While Olympus sold its’ imaging business, the future for it is still a bit cloudy. OM Digital solutions is up and running and has released some new products. Future products are still in the works according to the company. When Olympus announced their decision, it didn’t affect me at all. I have 2 fantastic camera bodies and a host of lenses that are as good or better than anything I ever used from any other manufacturer. I figure I have a least 5 years before I will even begin to think about what to do if OM Digital solutions ends up not surviving. It won’t be the first time for me. I shot Minolta for a long time, then switched to Canon. Still have all my Canon gear, just much prefer the Olympus system. It’s just gear, my photographs come from me. I could do the same thing with any camera that comes along so I just don’t worry about it.

PS… You do know that when Minolta left the camera industry, they were purchased by Konica, which was subsequently purchased by… wait for it… Sony.

Hi Keith
Thanks you for the information. Because I photograph from a Zodiac, I was really interest in the Olympus camera line. I hope Om Digital works out.
I also started with Minolta.

I love this image because of the environmental aspect. I couldn’t quite remember the name of this bird but then it came to me because of its perch. Amazing how well blended in with the environment they are. Beautiful shot!!!

Wonderful shot, Keith. Fantastic bird and I love the way it’s color and patterns sort of synchronise with the cactus it’s sitting on. Not nits, a little envious :wink: . Cheers, Hans