A nice fence post on which to shout it out. Southern California.
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Iso-500, 400+1.4 X, F6 .3, 1600th, full frame
A nice fence post on which to shout it out. Southern California.
Is this a composite: No
Iso-500, 400+1.4 X, F6 .3, 1600th, full frame
I can practically hear the yelling going on here. The bristly feather detail around the beak is pretty great, too. Focus looks good and the bg really helps it stand out. Interesting how different the bill is from the brown thrasher we get up this way. Do they feed on the ground a lot? Brownies do.
All the Thrashers I saw were in bushes or on the fence post.
A very good image of this thrasher, David. I really like the singing pose. I’ve never heard this particular species singing, but I’ve spent hours listening to Sage Thrashers.
Nice look at this Thrasher, David. Different from the Thrashers we have here in several ways. You caught him at a nice moment; I would like to hear his song.