Carolina Wren and Snow

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Canon 5ds-r, 100x400x1.4 lens, f-8, 1/320 sec., and iso 1000. Used Topaz to reduce noise.

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Oh wow! This is so beautiful! I love wrens and then to capture the falling snow! It’s so poetic looking! In my opinion I don’t think you should change anything about it!

Very nice shot, John. Like that the subject doesn’t seemed bothered by the snowfall piling up on the branch. I’d be so tempted to use PS and content aware the dark blurriness from the top left side.

Thanks to Vanessa and Stephen, didn’t want to lose the snowing effect but have cleaned up the BG in some of these shots.

I like the falling snow in this shot - that plus the snow covered branch make the image. I wouldn’t do anything that minimizes the view of the falling snow.

A very nice photo John. I like the look back pose. I am not sure if you want to mute some of the darker tones in the bg branch but it might be an idea. The falling snow and covered branch really make it happen.