Common Buckeye

Despite the name, the Common Buckeye, Junonia coenia, is not so “common” to me! This one is nectaring on Joe Pye-weed.

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Technical Details

Canon 60D, Canon 70-300mm IS USM Zoom, f/8, 1/500 sec., ISO 800. Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure and cropping. Topaz De-noise applied.

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A very nice look at this Buckeye, Terry. Wonderful colors and details in him. I wonder if you cropped some from off the left side and the bottom to off-center him a little would improve the image without losing too much of the environment. Just a thought. Even a square crop might do well if you want to keep him centered, and not so concerned with the environment. He is so rich looking; you really captured the colors in him so nicely.

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Beautiful, Terry. I am so very envious of all your butterflies photos. It has been so hot here, I haven’t seen hardly any… . maybe a half a dozen at most! Very nicely seen.

Thanks @Shirley_Freeman. I’ll play around with the crop and see if something else looks better.

Thanks @linda_mellor. It was blazing hot and dry here until the last few days, but it didn’t seem to stop the butterflies!


I like your subject matter. This is a very effective image with good color, composition, and setting. The colors really work well together.

Thanks @David_Schoen. A beautiful butterfly, for sure.