Common Buckeye

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


These guys are all over my yard, thriving on the weeds. They flit from one flower to the next, so catching one at rest is not just a treat but nearly impossible.

Specific Feedback

I fear I have over-saturated.

Technical Details

Z7 II, 100-400 @400mm, 1/1250, ISO 400, f/6.3 +.67 EV

Standard ACR adjustments. I did a TK soft Pop on the Butterfly, and knocked down the exposure value on the BG to push the Butterfly forward.

A nice shot of the butterfly, Chris, but you accidentally stuck it in Avian. I’ll move it.

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Figured it out…duh-uh

Chris, I am a little late on commenting. Just got in from a short trip.

I like the position of the butterfly. Those wings are just up perfectly to all the viewer to enjoy his markings and color. The placement of the flower with the butterfly works for me. Sort of an environmental shot, yet close enough to enjoy the butterfly. The light looks a bit harsh, but sometimes that is what we have to work while the subject is available, or where we are shooting at (if public) is open. I like the background, enough out of focus to not call attention away from the beautiful subject, yet I feel that the flower and butterfly is in the midst of some nearby flowers/plants in a garden somewhere maybe. I could see maybe darkening some of the brighter spots of the background but it isn’t necessary. Nice shot as presented for me.

Thanks, Shirley. The bokeh on this lens is weird to say the least. at the same distance of my three Agapanthus shots, at 6.3 the BG is not nearly as smooth as at 5.6…I think it adds to the garden feel so not bothersome to me.

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