Consolation lake reflections

![Consolation lake reflections]

After hanging out with the marmot Yawning Marmot . I started to explore the reflections in the two lakes in this wonderful valley. I love how the early morning light lit up this rock.

I also found this other reflection where I was attracted to the colors.

Specific Feedback Requested

Still exploring the contrast in these two images. Any feedback welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Both shot hand held around 300 mm on a full frame camera.


I really like the form you’ve captured in this image. It has the contours of a skull of a bird or a porpoise.

Definitely makes me think of a skull. I wonder about a little less contrast with more detail in darks and lights. The second is intriguing as it looks like it was shot through one of my dirty windows…

I had the same thoughts as Linda for opening up more of the shadow detail. I did that and knocked down the green values in the tree reflections, upper left. It’s an idea :slight_smile:

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