
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Our creeks this winter are running nicely, as you might imagine, and the moss is very happy with the wet weather.

Specific Feedback

Mainly looking for aesthetic input - does the motion work or is it annoying?

Technical Details

Screen Shot 2024-02-13 at 11.37.19 AM
Probably had a polarizer on. Hand held with a slight wiggling motion (as I recall).

The motion in this one looks just about perfect to me, Bonnie. It creates that nice impressionist look without being obvious.

You’re getting it VERY dialed in!! Lovely impressionistic treatment. Keep doing it or you might lose your chops!

Nice location and framing – I love the hint of the far bank in the UL corner. Lighting and contrast look wonderful!

This looks great Bonnie. I think you have the right amount of motion. Your composition is nicely balanced.

This works very well. The amount of camera movement is just right. The colors are subtle but they work well with each other.

This creek would provide a good basis for a series.

Thanks, @Dennis_Plank, @Diane_Miller, @Don_Peters, and @Alfredo_Mora!

Ha ha - doesn’t feel like it. You’re right - one has to keep practicing this to have more successes.

Oh, that’s definitely crossed my mind. I have ever so many photos from this creek, in all kinds of styles.