Curves & Angles


Image Description

I figured I must have something on the hard drive that would make a good b&w abstract, but it took me a while to find one that was suitably abstract-y. This is another from our recent rare cold snap. Some ice along the edge of a mud puddle. I did intend for it to be an abstract when I made it, just didn’t consider b&w initially. Interpreting it in b&w was the thing to do, though - I like it much better.

Feedback Requests

Any comments welcome. I toned this to be warm, but maybe cooler would be better (although I’m not fond of cool toning - it’s a dilemma).

Pertinent Technical Details

Hand held, probably with a polarizer. Processed in ACR/PS; PS layers below. I increased the saturation 100% in ACR so as to have a more distinct b&w conversion. Added targeted clarity in UL quadrant. Targeted dodge/burn in PS. Got the negative look by reversing the gradient map in PS.

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Bonnie: Abstract indeed. There is a great “what is this?” factor at play here. Exceptionally well seen and even better processing. Most excellent.>=))>

This one confuses me in a good way. I can’t get a grip on the depth of the various elements. That’s not a criticism. It keeps me looking. Thumbs up.

Beautiful in B&W The Tones and the Lines really stand out and speak to me. Really nice Bonnie !!!

Bonnie, you do mud puddles SO well!! This is a wonderful set of shapes and textures, with a 3D look. B/W feels like it was the way to go. I love the tiny black dots sprinkled around and the hint of an ice surface on top! (It almost makes me think of some sort of cooing creation gone wrong.)

I might wonder about a gradient burn from the top, but it might mess up the flow. Just an idle thought. Fantastic image!!

That had never occurred to me. I tried it. It works.

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Thank you @Bill_Fach, @Don_Peters, @Gill_Vanderlip, and @Diane_Miller.

Glad I could be of assistance.