Daffodil In Black Box

OK, I realize it is fall and we just had our first frost. However, while this image was made in May, I never posted it.

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Do you like the texture?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Daffodil was placed in a totally black box with one side open so I could control the natural light illuminating it. Turning the box and bloom in different angles allows the texture come out without overdoing the highlights. This is especially important with yellows.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
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Very nice image. I like the off center placement of the flower, sharpness and details. Black background complements yellows of the flowers well.

The angle of the shot gives additional interest to the subject. Good lighting and detail. I agree the background works well. Keep 'em coming!

Ed: Excellent rendering of the flower and I like the comp and proportion of negative space. Nicely done. >=))>