Critique Style Requested: In-depth
The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.
Self Critique
I like the side view of the flower slightly dancing in the on again off again wind capturing during the imbetwee with just enought ruffle of the pedals. I hope I was able to capture the complete whites with texture. I am always looking to improve my technical aspects in photography so please give me any technical advise, it is very much appreciated.
Creative direction
elegance of the delicate pedals after the breeze, yet capturing the full visual of what a daffodil looks like, the unique quality of the white daffodil
Specific Feedback
such as exposure - I did play around with the exposure
color, white is alway hard so in photoshop I used highlights and shadows to get detail
focus, I did focus on the center yellow of the flower
Technical Details
Nikon D500
Nikon Lens 70-500 mm F4/5
ISO 280
Early morning new blooms of daffodils spotted these unique white ones and the sun was just right and the angle was different with a light wind stopping and going catching it at a unique angle.