Dahlia Heart

Another from my recent trip to the local Dahlia Farm.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any comments appreciated.

Technical Details

110mm, 1/1000 sec @ f/2, ISO 100.

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Beautiful shot of a Dahlia. Love the colors and the blur around the heart of the flower. Is it a macro lens? Almost looks like a Lensbaby shot.

Oh nice. These flowers are so zaftig if you know what I mean. So I played a little in Photoshop with the TK8 panel. I don’t think you use Ps so I won’t go into detail unless you want, but here’s the end result -

Not a huge change, but I like - it’s a little brighter with some more color definition, but hasn’t lost that supple softness.

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Hi Kris, I like what what you did here. Nicely done. I would like to know what you did to see if I can recreate it in Capture One.


I closed Photoshop without saving the layer stack, but so far as I remember I made a color mask to use as stencil to lighten the lightest pink hues a bit. I used a zone mask to deepen some of the darker areas in the yellow and pink - especially the pink, but a color mask wasn’t targeting them as well as a zone mask did. Then I ran an Orton Effect action in the TK8 panel, but restricted it to the soft areas by applying an Edge Mask. I don’t think any of the layers are at full 100% opacity. Basically I brightened everything, deepened the colors, but preserved the edges of focus.

Thanks Kris. I appreciate what you did. Yeah, I don’t have Photoshop anymore, but tried to take the sentiments you had here and do something similar in Capture One:

Not sure I succeeded, but it was fun trying.

Different, but nice, too. And yeah, it’s fun trying different things. I wonder if anyone does a luminosity masking plug in similar to Tony’s, but for Capture One. Might be worth checking out.