
This damselfly was trying to get rid of the water drops by curving it tail down, but unsuccessful. I couldn’t get the tail in good focus when it was almost an inverted “U”, but this came out in good focus.

What technical feedback would you like if any? any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? any

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Canon 7DII + 180/3.5 + tripod
f/16, 1/40, ISO 800
Canon DPP4 for RAW conversion. PSCC. Two intersecting oof grass blades to the left of the frame removed by content aware. background smoothed out by blending. A touch of sharpening in Topaz.

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1 Like

Ravi: A terrific find and a really good comp and capture. The refractions in the large drops are a neat complementary element. Top notch shot. >=))>

Hi Ravi,

This is very nice and you nailed the focus perfectly. I rarely get to see dew covered insects as our weather is not great for producing this phenomenon. The comp is pleasing and the brightness is spot on. Awesome photo…Jim

Oh wow, Ravi, I am thoroughly enjoying this image. The dew drops are in crisp focus, and he is wet all over. I feel like I need to check my feet to see if they are wet, just looking at this. The curve in the grass and the curve in his body add to the image as well. That nice smooth background just makes him stand out nicely. Well done. :+1: :+1: