Desert Halo

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


On my morning walks here in Phoenix, Arizona, this cactus arm caught my eye as it was beautifully side lit through the rest of the cactus arms. This cactus is also under some dense tree canopy, further deepening the shadows.
I just really liked the highlighted textures and lines, disappearing into the deep shadows, and how something so harsh can also have such delicate beauty to it. And during this unusually brutal summer we have been enduring, any form of beauty is much appreciated.

Specific Feedback

As always, any feedback is appreciated.

Technical Details

Hand held, returning to this cactus often, until the rim light was just right; 1/250 sec, f/22, ISO500, 105mm prime

Well said, Fritz! :slight_smile:

This has mystery while also having definition and clarity, meaning I can easily fill in the rest of the scene in my mind.
I can’t quite find the words to describe what I’m feeling about it beyond what I’ve already written, perhaps the appropriate words will come to mind soon. The sharp needles are what’s blocking my mind.
I’ll try to come back later if it becomes more clear. :slight_smile:

Either way, I really like this a lot! :slight_smile:

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Very interesting! I’m not usually into negative space but this one works for me. (No idea why… My brain does its own thing without getting permission.)

I like the arrangement of the “lines.” I think it would be interesting to do a gradient burn on the bright area exiting the top of the frame.

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Thank you, Mervin. I tried describing this image more extensively in my mind as well, and settled on simply enjoying it :slight_smile:

Funny, what our brains will do at their own whim :slight_smile:

I am glad you like the image, Diane. I tried the gradient coming down from the top, but that darkened the vertical line on the right too much, so ended up lowering the highlights just on the two top vertical lines on the left; it was a very subtle effect, but added just a bit of mystery. Thank you for the feedback!

Thanks, Fritz!
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to be at a loss for descriptive words and simply landing on just enjoying it for what it is :slight_smile:

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