Description: My neighbor’s fence was no major obstacle for this red fox, on his way into my yard to graze on bird seed.
Specific Feedback Requested: Any
Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 60D, Canon 70-300mm IS USM @ 210mm, f/8, 1/750, ISO 3200, Hand Held. Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure and cropping. I selectively isolated the fox and brightened him a bit. Topaz De-noise applied.
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites) No
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Thanks, Vanessa. The red fox will eat just about any seed that’s scattered on that rock. The Gray Fox tends to graze through it, picking out the pieces he likes, though I’m not sure what that is. They are very athletic; I have seen a gray fox hop up and run along that top fence rail, which isn’t very wide.
Wonderful catch! He does look like he’s on a mission.
I think the dynamic action could be better suited to a more dynamic crop instead of the centered one. I’d consider taking some off the top and right. Brightening the darkest tones might bring out the fence boards a bit more, and bending the greens to a bit warmer would make them more analogous on the color wheel to the colors of the fox and the fence. Analogous colors help unify the elements of an image.