Dragon Breath

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The rock surface, with its sinuous grooves and undulating ridges, resembles the aftermath of a mythical creature’s heated sigh, shaping the earth with a touch as subtle as it is powerful.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome

Technical Details

30 mm at ISO 50 and 1⁄160sec at ƒ/9

I can see that in this one, Saundie. You got just the right angle.

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Thanks Dennis! :+1:

Excellent work here Saundie! Yes I can definitely see the reference to dragon breath. Not sure if you have seen the movie Kubo but this reminds of it with its fantasy like qualities.

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Thanks, Alfredo! No, I haven’t seen Kubo. I’ll be sure to look it up. :+1: :pray: