Dream Flower

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

This is an indoor set up with 100mm macro lens. I like to get up close with inner workings of flowers. trying to create a dream like atmosphere . tripod mount,Pentax k30,100mm macro,iso 100,1/5 sec,f4.0

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

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Mike, I am enjoying this image. The colors, the selective focus, all works well for me. If I were to make any changes, it might be to see if the darker area in the bottom right side could be lightened a bit and see if that improves the image. Also, there is a bright spot in the upper right. I just love the color, one of my favorites.

Mike, this is definitely dreamy. The tight look at the petal’s edge surrounded by the similar color works very well.

Mark and Shirley ,thank you for your kind comments. I think your suggestions are solid and appreciated. Thank you :grinning:

Hi Mike, definitely a dreamy look with pleasant colors. I’m enjoying the composition with the petals in the right foreground and blurred color elsewhere. I agree with Shirley’s suggestions. Nice image.

Thank you Allen for taking the time to comment. Happy you enjoyed the image.

Mike: I like the idea and the color especially. I cropped this a little tighter and did some more sharpening. Also, please resize your images to about 1500 pixels on the longest side before posting. Posting full resolution images taxes the server and makes them more inviting targets for image thieves. I just noticed the same issue with your iris image. Here are the sizing recommendations excerpted from the site posting guidelines. Keep the shots coming. >=))>

File Requirements

  1. Image size - Recommended size is a minimum of 1500px on the long edge to retain some image quality. You may choose to upload smaller files if image theft is a concern. There is no limit on how large of a photo (in pixels) you may post. We would recommend 2000px for high-quality display.
  2. Image Quality our recommendation is to use a quality setting of 6 (in Photoshop) or 60 (in Lightroom), this will reduce the file size immensely while retaining visual acuity on-screen, but when printed the quality will be less acceptable.
  3. Maximum file size - 10 MB, JPEG files. If you upload a file this large please keep in mind that it will be extremely slow to load for other users. Setting the image quality as mentioned above will keep it well below this, usually under 1 MB.
  4. Color Space - convert all images to sRGB. This is the web standard and if you do not convert to sRGB your colors will not display correctly in some browsers.

Thank you for your comments, your version does look cleaned up. Sorry about the file size I thought I had that set. I will catch on :))