![Early morning watch.]
This photo was taken at the boat launch on the Back River in Old Lyme, Ct, on May 7 at 6:42 AM. The Osprey was just setting there on that branch watching the sun rise over the river and marsh.
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Canon 7Dll, Sigma 150-600mm, F7.1, 516mm, 1/2000, -.7EV, ISO 500. Cropped by 50% with DXO Photo Lab 4 and contrast adjustments made in the Nik Collection.
Very nice alert pose with good detail and on a wonderful perch. I like the realistic sky color.
Pleasing pose and light. Well composed. I do see a bit of a blue cast on the chest feathers.
I really like the pose and the angle of the morning light, Peter. The slightly goofy expression and out of place feather add to the early morning impression. It looks like he needs a cup of coffee.
Hi Peter, good catch and I like the pose with the eye in the light. I like his regal looks on the end of the branch. Bird seems a tad soft to my eye.
HI Thanks for the comments. The Nix collection’s color efex. 4 added a little noise, so I used DXO Denise HQ, witch cleaned up the noise but made the shot a little soft.