Wow, this is a stunning photo. My only suggestion would be to try cropping out the two darker trees on the left side and perhaps some of the snow and bushes at the bottom; I find that they distract me from the castle. Great job!
Its lovely! I agree with the thought that the two darker trees might be distracting, but I like the substance they add. Perhaps just lightening them a tad? I personally don’t usually center anything in an image, and as such would probably have repositioned a bit to decenter the castle, but I dont know what restrictions you may have had just out of frame. Love the light! Well done!
Very nice composition in B&W. Cropping the two dark trees really does change the composition nicely. The only other distraction is the sign on the right side of the image under the branches. The reflection of the tower in the foreground adds depth to the image and well positioned. The light is well balanced and the overall tonal quality is very pleasing, especially with the snow.