Emigrant Peak and Fall Colors

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Fall colors and Emigrant Peak reflecting in the Yellowstone River near Emigrant, MT. I have this one hanging on my wall as a 45 x 30 metal print and sold a copy to a client last year for Christmas. BTW, while it’s not “standard” composition, I like the tension created by the clump of reeds in the lower right.

Technical Details

5D3, 24-105 f4 IS II @ 50mm, 1/8 s, f/16, iso 200, tripod, polarizer and cable release

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Mark, what a beautiful fall foliage and reflection photo this is! If you had not mentioned the clump of reeds, my eyes would have never seen them. I was glued to the foliage and reflections. I also love the light creeping in on the right side and adding more brilliance to the soft greens competing with the yellows and oranges. Beautiful image!


Mark, the light and fall colors are stunning. I love your point about the little clump of reeds in the LRHC. You caught me reaching for the cloning tool… :smiley:
I can only imagine the impact this has at the 45 x30 sized metal print you’ve mentioned. Excellent scene overall… :+1:

Beautiful scene, Mark. I’m not surprised that you have it on the wall.

This drew my eyes for sure. While I don’t officially have a “bucket list”, I do have some things I’d like to do sometime if they work out. Fall color in the mountains is one of them. I love all those golden leaves. I didn’t see the reeds at first either. I do kind of like their character there, but you’re right about the tension. I think for me it’s the position right at the edge. I’m sure this is very striking large on metal as you have it!