End of the Tulip Cycle

What technical feedback would you like if any? I am open to the full feedback spectrum.

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Open to suggestion

Any pertinent technical details: Nikon D-850. Nikon 105 f/2.8 105mm f/3.2. ISO100 White balance auto. Aperture priority. Processed in Lightroom ClassicCC and Photoshop CC. Tripod with ball head with natural light indoors.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
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Patrick: Glad to see you posting here to get real feedback.
The main tulip is very nice. Colors are nice, details look very good.

My eyes get pulled to two things on the right. Just below the main group of tulips on the right edge is a petal sticking in. LRC doesn’t add to image with the dead petals and the strong blue background. Comp is OK, but feels pretty heavy on the right side with the tulip group pushing the edge of the frame.

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Hi Patrick. I like the main bloom, but for my taster the others doen’t really support it, but tend to distract. I also find that the saturated blues and bright whites of the background pull my eye away from the subject-particularly the white/yellow patch below and to the right of the main bloom.

Thanks Keith, that is the kind of feedback I seek.

Thank you Dennis. I am clearly blind to my own nits.

Patrick: I’m going to be contrarian and commend what you have here. I like the BG (what is it?) and the overall comp. I also like your DOF/POF choice. Great to have you aboard and looking forward to more.>=))>

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To me the background flower looks very natural in a garden setting. My only suggestions would be to use content aware or the clone tool to eliminate the brown petals on the lower right and the partial blossom midway up on the right side. Might also darken or eliminate the bright red spot near the gentle curve of the tulip leaf reaching out on the left. The main tulip and its supporting blossoms make a really nice composition and a little work is well worth the effort. Hope to see more of your images.

Patricia, good concrete suggestions. I want to see how they look after.

Sorry I haven’t figured out how to pull someone else’s picture up on my computer. You’ll have to try doing it yourself. I don’t know what software you have but you can contact me directly if you want a step by step using PS, NIK or Topaz.

Thanks for being brave and letting people critique your photo. I love taking flower pictures but it is hard sometimes to know how to compose. If you just put the flower in the middle = it’s boring. I like how your main flowers group as a whole is off to the right a bit. But I agree with others (now that they have brought it up to all of our attention) that the extra bits of flowers on the right board are distracting and make it a bit too lop sided. That is the hard part about flowers… you might have to take the siccors to them for the purfect composition. I do like how the one green stem on the right is IN focus and counters the weight of the right side. I really like the blue background giving pop to the flower colors but it’s not quit blurry enough and is a bit distracting. Thanks again for posting because it teaches all of us.

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