Evening Light on the Chugach Range

I was on the way to Anchorage, AK from Valdez and had to stop and capture the beautiful pastel evening lighting on one of my favorite views of the Chugach Mountain Range, near Eureka Lodge on the Glen Highway. This view is too broad to capture with only one shot (even with a wide angle lens) so I shot multiple vertical photos and stitched them for this panorama.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any & all.

Technical Details

Sony a6300, SEL1670Z @ 16mm, ISO-100, f/9.0, 1/50, hand held (same for all frames of the stitched panorama)

1 Like

Very pleasing light and excellent composition.

A great panorama with very good composition, colors and light. I like a lot the cloud mimic the mountains.

Some landscapes are just so out of human scale that it’s difficult to imagine, but this does a nice job of conveying the vastness - first with all those trees, then the mountains and clouds immediately above, but then there is more open sky. A treasure.