Female Golden-browed Chlorophonia & Repost



Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I’m just back from 16 days in Costa Rica and finally got the images all into LR (though it’s still chugging away on internal nonsense). This was from my first day and was my favorite of the day including the hummingbirds. I’ll probably post one of the male as well since it has the “golden brow” of the name. This was taken at a lodge in the cloud forest called Paraiso Quetzal.

Specific Feedback

I’m not positive about the crop on this one. I don’t have any more room on the bottom, but I do have room on the top and both sides. The bird seems rather centered, but I felt the other partial clump of berries warranted this composition.

Technical Details

Sony A1, FE 200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 612 mm, monopod, f/9, 1/1000, iso 5000, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 5466x3672. Removed on very bright partial berry that wasn’t responding to any other treatment I could come up with. Some cloning in the lower right corner to remove out of focus background elements that I found distracting. Taken February 15th at 12:01 pm (noon) local time under misty overcast skies.

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Dennis, this is beautiful. Her colors are complimented by the berries and the BG. The DOF holds my eye on her and the berries in the center of the cluster. You mention the crop and the berries in the LLC that you wanted to keep in the frame. I am interested in your reason for keeping them.

The comp looks OK as presented, but a more vertical comp could be worth a look for sure. The isolated clump of OOF berries in the LLH corner seems to catch my eye. Colors are nice and the feather detail is spot on. A very nice bird and I enjoy the bright colors in this comp…Jim

Nice catch of this colorful beauty Dennis. Great to see the feeding behavior on those berries with the eye visible. Nice BG too. If it were mine, I’d remove the oof berries in LLC, crop some on the left, and add a little on the right.

I agree that the berries in the corner aren’t helping. I’d crop some and clone the rest. The bird is wonderful and the matching colors in the berries and leaves are perfect! (If I ever saw a bird this pretty I’d get so excited I’d completely blow the shot.)

Beautiful bird with excellent detail and good feeding pose. The color palette is fantastic. The background fits perfectly with the bird. I guess I’ll be the outlier, as I don’t mind the berries in the LLC. It seems to balance the image. Looking forward to more from your trip.

Dennis. this is such an amazing bird. Beautiful light, colors, details, you nailed it from my perspective. I could see the berries in the LLC removed or blurred out more as you’ve done. Nice edit too.