Fir Sapling After the Rain

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This weekly topic has been me the chance to get back into the swing of things. Sorry I’ve been so absent in recent months… the cycle continues.

I actually just finished processing this recently after a trip to the Sonora Pass a couple of weeks ago. I saw the weekly challenge and thought this was just right.

We had sat thru a few hours of a summer storm high in the Sierra about 8,500ft. We took refuge in the car because of the lightning. But the passing storm wasn’t too intense and I decided to take a walk in the woods as soon as it stopped. I came across this little sappling and thought the details would be a good challenge for some focus stacking - the background was a good distance which allowed it to go soft. I ended up using 7 manually focused frames and put them all together in Helicon. At the time I was struggling with the focusing and worked several different positions/comps.

Specific Feedback

In the end, I am happy how this turned out. Not a perfect stack, but most all the pine needles and droplets are pretty sharp, I think.

Curious to receive feedback on the image as a whole, but also for the colors, contrast, WB, etc.

Technical Details

Nikon D800E, 28-300mm @210mm f/7.1 1/13s, 7 image focus stack


Lon, you have been missed. Glad you were able to get this lovely shot and post it. Those water drops are icing on the cake for me. I really like it. I also like the repetition in the BG.

Awww – baby trees are just as cute as baby everything-elses. Wonderful detail that puts me right there, excellent color and BG, with the repetition of shapes being a big plus. No suggestions!

A fun and vibrant image even if the stack isn’t perfect. These kinds of deep and highly detailed subjects are tough to do. Glad you stopped for it and shared it with us. Glad to see you back at least a little.

Lon, this is a fine look at this wet, young fir. The greens look especially good and the after a rain feeling is strong. The color changes between the subject and the background also look just right. The stacking looks good, although the largest view does show some stacking and/or motion blur issues in the drops along the bottom branch. Stacks with this level of fine detail are very challenging, especially when manually focused.

Thank you so much @Shirley_Freeman, @Diane_Miller , @Kris_Smith and @Mark_Seaver . Appreciate the comments and kind words.

Thank you Shirley! I’m hoping to get back in to commenting and posting again more frequently!

What a great way of looking at things! I hadn’t thought about that way… of course! baby trees! Love it.

Thanks Kris and Mark for the comments on stacking. Completely agree! I was frustrated during the image captures and had little confidence I could create what I was envisioning… so I was actually pleased to get even this result, although there is clearly room for improvement in my technique!

Thanks again for the kind words!


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