Fresh Start

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The rain had stopped and the sun came shining through the Japanese maple leaves highlighting their beautiful color. The sunshine was captured in a water droplet that emphasized the feeling that the shower had passed and the day was off to a fresh start.

Technical Details

There was a gentle breeze so I raised the shutter speed
ISO 320


Very pretty! I like the colors and the focus point. The angle is a bit odd with the leaves coming toward the viewer on the right, but it’s not too bad. I think cropping the top branch and leaf in the ULC would go a long way to strengthening the composition. Then you could add some canvas at the bottom. You don’t say what processing you did to this or what tools you use so I don’t know if you could do this, but with Photoshop it’s easy. A lovely photo.

Jennifer, you’re right, the colors and the sunburst through that one drop are very attractive. I think you’ve used the frame well, the the sharpness angling near the diagonal. I’m a detail nut, so I’d like to see more depth-of-field (maybe getting those main three leaves sharp). Unless the “breeze” was a wind, I think you could have gottten away with a shutter speed of 1/250 s or maybe even 1/125 s. (I often wait for the movement to slow or stop briefly.) The slower shutter would let you use a smaller aperature, which would also add emphasis the sunburst. However, depth-of-field is an artistic choice, that is yours to make.

Thank you for your response. I see what you mean about cropping the top and adding more space at the bottom.

I should have taken more shots to get the three leaves sharp. I might have liked that one more. I’m guilty of not working most of my shots as much as I could:( Thank you for your feedback!


Wonderful capture! The main leaf and that single raindrop highlight really make this image pop. But I also like the repeating leaf in the background as well as the raindrop bokeh’s .

I like that the main drop and central and important part of the leaf are sufficiently sharp. I think the softer outside parts of the leaft actually help to transition to the out of focus, oof, background. And the dark green background compliments and contrasts with the autumn colors in the leaf beautifully.

No suggestions really. Great capture, especially from a single frame! Thanks for sharing!
