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Just a simple image of a cliched image of a Japanese Maple in the rain. Looking for initial thoughts or suggestions.
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Image Description
Very simple image of a Japanese Maple in the rain. It is definitely a cliched type of image, but I was drawn to the simplicity of the composition. Curious as to what others think.
Technical Details
Camera settings: 200mm, f11, 1/3 sec, ISO 100. Basic edits in Adobe LR and PS.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Looks great to me! The red and green contrast well, although the green might be a tad bright. The water drops are perfect. If you have room on the left, a slightly-different crop might cut out some of the dark areas on the right and not cut off that nice leaf on the left. That large branch on the top right seems out of character, and might be removed.
Something like this?
Cliche or not, it certainly has a pleasing arrangement and the water is so refreshing to look at. These kinds of busy and pattern-repeating scenes are among the most difficult to photograph. What to leave out, what to leave in, what to clone, what to have crisp and what to have OOF - tough decisions and for the most part I think you got it right here. The heavy branches on the top aren’t doing the composition any favors though as they break up the pattern of just leaves which I personally find more harmonious and interesting. Sandy’s edit addresses this.
Did you by any chance play with a polarizer for this scene? I wonder how a slight twist would have affected the depth of color in the red leaves. That’s another useful thing about polarizers, they make shiny foliage appear deeper and richer. Of course you can crank it on too much and make things flat and lifeless, too, but it’s definitely worth experimenting with.
Phew. Hope that was helpful. Keep them coming! Flora goes into a bit of hibernation in the winter of the northern hemisphere.