A Killdeer looking for a nesting spot in my driveway. Once the eggs arrive, I put large orange traffic cones around the nest to keep vehicles from squishing the eggs.
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iso 12800, 400 + 2x, f5.6, 2000th
I love your traffic cone idea. When I lived near the Manchester airport in NH they would nest on the side of the road between the pavement and the fence around the airfield. They hardly moved when big trucks or any other vehicles came by. It was crazy. I should have taken the opportunity to photograph them, but I never did. Ah well.
I love this for the lively pose and all the colors - the eyes and the legs, well captured. I can see it running off to the left and out of the frame which it probably did in the next second.
I remember this gal from last year, David. I’ve seen a couple hanging around in our neighborhood and one out on the local preserve that I’m pretty sure has a nest already. Those traffic cones should help her find the nest again pretty well. A very nice image.
Very nice shot, David. I like that red ring in the eye. I think it would still be very strong even if it was cropped to remove the blurred gravel, I believe there is enough of the legs firmly planted in the image and it would get a viewer’s eye immediately on the Killdeer.