While on a day trip to Shenandoah NP in November Mike and I had some awesome shooting conditions with some absolutely gorgeous clouds and fog. This particular image was taken later in the day close to sunset as some of the clouds were breaking up and giving us fleeting glimpses of the autumn foliage as well as the Shenandoah Valley below us. This image captured that feeling perfectly for me.
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Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Nikon D800, Nikon 80-200 @ 200mm, f 13 @1/8 sec, ISO 400, CPL, MLU, cable release & tripod
I can see why this is a favorite, Ed! I love foggy landscapes this is a great one. The colors and detail in the foreground ridge plus the diagonal angle are excellent. The hint of the background valley, hills and mountains are a big plus as they provide a sense of depth. The large image has a lot of presence (puts you right there!). Great shot!
Good one, Ed. Depending on what you want to emphasize, this is an alternative that I find different as opposed to better. This version really brings more attention to the color and trees for me. I can see why this one is one of your favorites. Really nice!
Really beautiful image and a fitting title, Ed. I can see why this is a favorite! You captured the movement of the fog perfectly. It makes me want to take in the little bit of trees as quickly as possible before they get covered again!
Thanks everyone @Gary_Minish, @Harley_Goldman and @Vanessa_Hill for your thoughts; always appreciated. I always love shooting with fog as it always seems to add so much to the scene.
@Harley_Goldman : Thanks for taking the time to do a rework. Your version works as well.
Ed, the sense of mystery here is great. I like the balance between the heavy fog in the lrc and the distant scene in the ulc, even as the ridge and trees dominate the view.