Flow + Rework


Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I am not unhappy with the image. However, my concern is that it will be dismissed because it is so detailed. Without knowing this on a small, dry creek bed, the viewer could mistake the sand grains as “noise” and simply dismiss the image.

Creative direction

I want viewers to see how small examples of natural phenomena are the same as large scale examples.

Specific Feedback

Is there any realistic possibility that this will serve its intended purpose or simply be ignored?

Technical Details

Canon EOS 5D; Canon EF 28-70mm @ 28mm; f/16 @ 1/160 sec, ISP 800; handheld


The sandy bottom of a small dry creek, encountered in the Blue Basin area of the Sheep Rock unit of John day Fossil Beds NM, mimics the patterns seen in larger sand/mud river deltas, is a testament to the universality of the laws of physics—turbulent fluid flow in this instance.

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I like this, Bob, and I think it works. I’ve seen aerial images of semi-pristine river deltas that look a lot like this. The only thing I might do is eliminate some of the inclusions that seem to give it more of a sense of scale, but that might be something you actually want. I could see this paired with an aerial shot of a large river delta, say in Alaska, to really illustrate your point.

Thank you @Dennis_Plank for you comments. I toyed with the idea of using an aerial photo to show the similarities. None of my aerial images show that and I did not want to use anyone else’s image. I also toyed with removing the inclusions. I think they provide the sense of scale which is important to make my point about the laws of physics.

Really lovely. Color palette is very pleasing and the flowing line draw me right through the image. The blue dot in the UL corner is distracting, though. As someone who loves this type of photography, I get it right off. However, not everyone appreciates abstracts and dismisses them rather than examining and thinking about them.

Thank you @Chris_Baird for your comments. since you and @Dennis_Plank find the inclusions to be distracting I have reworked the image.

Awesome “aerial” abstract image Bob! I think removing those inclusions helps simplify the message of the image. I like the braided rivers patterns and the colors. The ambiguity of scale works well.

Thank you @ Alfredo_Mora for your comments. I think everyone but me wanted the inclusions removed.