Freezing Fog

I was lucky enough to experience freezing fog at the top of Kancamagus Pass in New Hampshire. This left all of the trees covered in this wonderful rime ice. The fog also created a very dreamy feeling, which I enhanced with some Orton Effect in processing. I have been going back and forth on what aspect ratio serves this image best. I think it is better to present it in a panoramic format, but I worry that the pano loses some of the nice texture in the trees below. So I thought I would throw it out here for debate.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Looking for input on the aspect ratio 2:3, or 16:9

I subsequently decided I like the pano aspect ratio, This image is now my preferred choice.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

As someone that has experienced a frozen fog before, I hope you were adequately prepared for the weather (I was not, and it was the most miserable I’ve ever been).

I think your panorama crop is better suited for this because, while it removes the nice textures in the lower trees, it also removes the stumps from the lower right with pull away from your main focal point in the one tree that stands above the rest.

I like the 16:9 aspect. Wonderful scene. Love the singular tall tree to break up the pattern.

I was prepared, and had micro spikes with me. This location is right off the highest paved highway in New Hampshire, and the road was surprisingly free of ice and safe to drive on.

Both are nice but I prefer the pano crop a bit better. I think it makes the lone tree a little more prominent.


What a beautifully frigid landscape; a winter wonderland. The fog is the key with this one, but you’ve also chosen a very strong composition including the one larger tree as a focal point.

I’m torn between the two versions. The original I like the smaller trees at the bottom and LR; they nicely support the larger tree and really are a wonderful non-fog accent element that I think is a plus in the uncropped version.

The cropped version, all that I just mentioned is lost and the image feels cut off to me. Of course the impression is greatly influenced by having just looked at the uncropped version. Had the cropped version been presented by itself, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t make this comment. None the less…

Here is what really astounds me though when looking at and comparing the larger versions. It’s amazing to me how much the foggy background comes in to play in the cropped version. It’s quite revealing the change between the two image. So in the end, I’m with the cropped version.

Wonderful image.


Hard to choose, Ed. I like the trees along the bottom in the original version, but with the pano crop the fog becomes a more prominent element in the scene. I think I am going to go with the pano as I like that extra bit of mood and mystery that the fog lends to the scene. I also like the one prominent tree on the right as it as it stands out from the others ice laden trees. I have never traveled the Kanc during the winter and now I see what I am missing. Beautiful image.

Hi Ed. Normally my mind thinks in 2:3 but I definitely prefer the pano crop on this image as well. The image just seems to follow a bit better.

I vote for the crop too, although it is not a strong preference for me.

Traditional 2:3 for me, no question about it. Regardless, the detail and dreamy feeling are wonderful.