When conditions are just right, hoar frost can blanket much of the area of Central Vermont where I live. On such mornings, I’m up early and moving fast as the frost usually doesn’t last long. This leaf pulled me in, up close in macro mode, hand-holding, and not exhaling warm air until the shutter had clicked several times.
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Technical Details
Minolta,1/200, f/3.5, 40mm, ISO100 with considerable adjustment to brightness and sharpening in LR
Fantastic! I love the shapes and the sharpness/detail that they demanded. I love that the darks are equal on both the leaf and the BG, making a complete abstract.
Well this is smashing! If the theme hadn’t been in force, it would have taken me a minute to realize I was looking at a frosty oak leaf. I love the bold lines and overall pointiness (as Homer Simpson would say “mmmm…pointy”.