Oak leaf in ice

The temperature today is in the low single digits with windchills below zero. Can’t venture out. This image is from last year that I had completely ignored. Worked on it today. When the snow turns into ice, it brings out interesting things. I was fascinated by the air bubbles around the leaf.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 7DII + 180/3.5 + tripod
1/16, 1/8, ISO 800
Canon DPP4 for Raw, PSCC. cropped on the sides for composition. NiK detail extractor and a little clean up of the debris on the ice.


What a great find, Ravi, both on your computer as well as when you captured this. I would hate to think this would have stayed on your hard drive and never make it out on NPN for display! What an interesting, and pleasing image. I like the air bubbles too. But the lines and shapes in this is really drawing me to allow my eyes to scan through this lovely image and just enjoy. Very nice. :+1: :+1:

Wonderful leaf shape, and color is great set against the gray. The layers of texture in the ice are wonderful. I love the composition – glad this one surfaced!

Excellent image. The comp balances very well and the different shapes and colors work really well. Beautiful and simple.

Great work! Beautiful little scene with nice details and color. No critiques there. The only thought I had was that you might play around with rotation/flipping — I found that I slightly preferred this orientation:

Nice find @ravi.

I like how the ice melted arround the leaf creating a scence of depth on the scene. The bubbles create a gorgeous negative space.
Great image, thanks for sharing.

Ravi, this is well seen and well presented. The details in both the ice and the leaf look great.

Like it for its simplicity and the contrast between warm colours of the leaf opposed to the whites of the ice. I also like how the veins line up with the frame. I slightly prefer the orientation of Nick Becker. There the suggestion of icy fingers trying to grasp the leaf is much stronger. A simple shape containing lots of details. Nice find. As a very minor comment, I would not mind a bit more space.