This shot is from February 2011 and was taken at the bottom of the Flume Gorge in the White Mountains of NH. The snow was wicked deep that year and I floundered down into the stream bed to get this, nearly burying my old Bogen 3001 tripod and really unsure of my footing since I couldn’t see my feet or where I was standing. But I had two friends with me if I got into trouble.
I didn’t. And managed a few shots of this amazing ice. The blue color is basically SOOC and achieved with a cooler white balance instead of warming it up to neutralize it. I’ve played with it many times over the years and removing the blue guts the image of a lot of character and emotion so I leave it in.
What I didn’t leave in was a lot of little twigs sticking up in the snow. Now I have some Photoshop skills. I could remove those and also improve the luminosity range with careful masking.
Specific Feedback Requested
Too blue? I’ve done several variations with more or less intense blue and one with a warm white balance and very little blue - it’s so blah. I tried B&W. Didn’t work as well. What say you?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Tripod up to its armpits in snow
Legacy Olympus 65-200mm f/4 lens @f/8 - manual focus
Lightroom for RAW processing and a crop. Brought down exposure slightly and highlights and blacks. Brought up whites and shadows. Added texture and clarity, sharpening & some noise reduction. Photoshop for a fair amount of cloning and healing work. Also used a darks mask to put a curve in the shadows, a lights mask to do the same for the whites, but painted out the snowfield. Also ran a clarity filter at a fairly high pixel range and 100% opacity and fill on that layer. It really worked nicely to up the drama here.