Fungi and Repost

New Version: Slightly looser crop, a touch added to the bottom and a couple of greenies added to the corner. Oh. Flipped instead of rotated.


Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was driving on the “Avenue of the Giants” in Humboldt Redwoods State Park last week and stopped for some reason I can’t recall, when I saw this gorgeous shelf mushroom (Turkey Tail?). After communing with it, I spend some time with the trees.

Specific Feedback

Since I was pretty much shooting straight down at this, the orientation is arbitrary. I played with it and this seemed to work best, but I’m open to other opinions.

Would this be better if there had been another oxalis in that lower right corner? Should the twig there go?

Technical Details

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
1 Like

This is very cool! :slight_smile:
I think your orientation to showcase this jewel is perfect. The colour palette - greens, browns, whites - works well , and the contrasts and the textures and shapes are a feast for my eyes.
Just excellent…

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Fine shot, Dennis. I can see the potential for some macros here as well.

Dennis: I drove the avenue on my October trip and found it to be a marvelous and magical place. We toss around the term “awesome” too cavalierly IMO but the avenue certainly qualifies. This is a cool find and a fine question. Since you asked I did a quick and dirty edit duplicating the oxalis from the LLC, made the stick go away and added just a touch of canvas on the bottom. I’ll send you a bill for the adjustments :wink: :roll_eyes:. Most excellent. >=))>

I love this. Nice find and the straight down orientation works really well here. The edges of the fungi (most likely is turkey tail) stand out beautifully. It’s so fresh looking. Not sure an exact twin of the wood sorrel is right, but Bill is onto something for sure.

Thanks @Kris_Smith @Don_Peters @SandyR-B. @Bill_Fach I like what you did. If I recall, I probably have a touch more canvas to play with in that directions. I thought about the oxalis and I like the effect. I’ll have to play with it.

P.S. I spent three days in the northern Redwoods before heading south. They are incredible and every time I’m there I try to convey that photographically (thus far with little or no success, but I have ideas for next time).

I like Bill’s suggestions, but the exact duplicate of the oxalis is obvious. At least alter it a bit.